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마늘과 한약재 추출물의 혼합급이가 알코올 투여에 의한 간기능 및 지질대사에 미치는 영향

  • 2011-02-18
  • Hit : 11,523


The Effect of Garlic and Medicinal Plants Extracts on the Liver Function and Lipid Metabolism of Rats Administered with Alcohol


To investigate the effects of garlic and medicinal plants extracts (GP) on liver function and lipid metabolism of rat administered with ethanol chronically, Sprague-Dawly male rats were fed with a basial diet (Normal), a basial diet plus ethanol (Control, 10 mL of 20% ethanol/kg b.w/day), a control diet plus 0.5% garlic and 1.0% medicinal plants extracts (GP-Ⅰ), and a control diet plus 1.0% garlic and medicinal plants extracts (GP-Ⅱ) for 4 weeks. Blood glucose in GP group was significantly decreased, but not significantly different between GP-Ⅰ and GP-Ⅱ group. Albumin content of serum was significantly increased in GP groups, while total lipid, cholesterol and triglyceride of serum were significantly decreased in GP group. Total cholesterol and triglyceride were not significantly different between GP-Ⅰ and GP-Ⅱ group. LDL-cholesterol in blood was decreased to 58% in GP-Ⅰ group and 73% in GP-Ⅱ group compared to the control group, it's contents were the lowest amounts among the normal, control and experimented groups. Lipid levels in liver of rat administered with alcohol were decreased in GP group and significantly different in GP-Ⅱ group. GOT and r-GTP activities were significantly higher in control than normal group, while GPT and ALP activities were not significant in groups administered with alcohol. Activities of GOT, GPT and r-GTP were significantly lower in GP group than control group, while ALP activity was not significant in all groups. TBARS contents were not significant in serum, but it's contents in liver were significantly decreased in GP groups than control group. DPPH radical scavenging ability in serum and liver was significantly increased in GP groups. These results indicate that garlic and medicinal plants extracts were effective in improving and protecting liver disorder induced from long-term alcohol consumption.

Key words: garlic, medicinal plants, alcohol, liver damage