연구소 논문

흑마늘의 첨가량과 초기 알코올 농도를 달리한 발효 식초의 품질특성

  • 2017-06-26
  • Hit : 10,260


The quality characteristics of black garlic vinegar produced by acetic acid fermentation were analyzed over a 25
day period. Black garlic vinegar was produced using black garlic 3, 6, 9 and 12 folds with water, and initial
alcohol concentrations of 6~12%. The pH values of the vinegar samples were in range of 3.85~4.46 after 25 days
fermentation, and the sugar contents were highest after 9 days of fermentation (12.00~13.50 °Brix). The total polyphenol
concents of vinegars were in the range of 20.65~52.04 mg/100 mL 25 days fermentation. Pyrogallol and vanillic
acid were detected in the completely fermented vinegars, and their contents increased with black garlic content.
Five organic acids (lactic acid, acetic acid, citric acid, succinic acid and propionic acid) were detected after 25
days of fermentation, with the total amount of organic acids being 5,327.34~6,307.64 mg/100 mL, and the total
abetic acid contents beging the highest of the organic acids at 4208.90~5,570.29 mg/100 mL. After 25 days of
fermentation, the total minerals contents were higher, and depending on the quantity of black garlic added. Of
the minerals, the of potassium content was the highest (366.23~1,619.67 mg/L).