연구소 논문

흑마늘 추출액의 첨가 농도에 따른 간장의 품질특성 및 항산화 활성

  • 2017-06-26
  • Hit : 10,290


Purpose: In order to develop soy sauce and increase its functionality, by adding black garlic extract. Methods: We compared quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of 20 days aging black garlic soy sauce from mixed manufacturers with raw soy sauce(commercial fermented soy sauce) and different ratio of black garlic extract (65 Brix, 0.3-5.0%). Results: The salt content of the black garlic extract (0.3-5.0%) added soy sauce were 12.35-12.77%. The pH was lowered to 4.99, and acidity was increased to 2.12%, depending on the increase in black garlic extract added ratio. The crude protein and total nitrogen contents were 6.23-6.62% and 1.10-1.16%, respectively, and content of amino form nitrogen was 0.52-0.53%, without significant differences between experimental groups. Contents of reducing sugar and free sugars (fructose and glucose) tended to be higher with higher mixing ratios of black garlic extract. Total phenolic compounds and flavonoids contents were significantly increased in the 3% and 5% black garlic extract addition group. At concentrations of 62.5, 125, 250, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 μg/mL, the DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity of the polysaccharides isolated from control soy sauce and 5% black garlic extract added soy sauce showed higher correlation with their concentration. Conclusion: These results, confirmed that the soy sauce produced by adding more than 3% of black garlic extract has high antioxidant activity.