연구소 논문

흑마늘 첨가 형태에 따른 식초의 품질특성

  • 2017-06-26
  • Hit : 10,448


The aim of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics of the black garlic vinegar
prepared with different type of black garlic(whole; WB, crushed; CB, extracted; EB) during 25 days
fermentation. The pH of black garlic vinegar was not significantly different among the samples but
acidity was increased during fermentation. The contents of reducing sugar was 9.67%(WB),
10.27%(CB) and 10.11%(EB) after 25 days fermentation. The content of total polyphenol was the
highest in the CB(84.71~96.45mg/100mL). The contents of S-allyl-L-cysteine(SAC) was not changes
during fermentation and significantly higher in EB than other samples. Total 6 kinds of organic acids
were detected in black garlic vinegar, and the content of the highest in acetic acid (5341.17~
5857.60mg/100mL) at 25 days fermentation. Mineral contents were higher at 25 days fermentation
than before fermentation and main mineral was K(1686.67~1944.67mg/L) > P(483.80~648.03mg/L)
> Mg(98.47~112.57mg/L) at 25 days fermentation.